Raw milk cheeses, sustainably farmed.
Here at The Lost Valley Dairy & Creamery we primarily make two cheeses, Carraignamuc & Sobhriste.
We are a genuine Farmhouse cheese - we milk our own cows and make cheese, butter and yoghurt from that milk.
We have focussed on simplicity of process. Although influenced by Italian and British recipes we haven't used imported cultures, we have developed a native, completely local Raw Milk culture, ripening and maturing.

"All the really good cheeses came about from processes really.... the real small farm French & Italian cheeses... it's come from the practicality of the make... it's about how you live. The ingredient comes from the place and the way you treat it. The tomme recipe is one of the simplest you can make, which means you can find all sorts of different expressions of that... I didn't have a preconceived notion of what I wanted the cheese to be like... I knew how I wanted to produce the milk and how I wanted to treat the animals, how I wanted to make a simple cheese and it just be about the biology of the place. We've tried to invent a new native Irish Farmhouse cheese." - Michael Parle
Irish Food Awards
Silver Medal